RANGER RUMBLE: Legends of Morphicon

Let’s get ready to RUMBLE! For those asking “Why didn’t you include him/her?”, my hope was to get everyone of course. Some respectfully declined, and I appreciated that. This is my third Ranger Rumble, so I didn’t want to bother the amazing Rangers who already participated in the past. For others, I wanted to be respectful since Power Morphicon was their place of work. It’s either they were busy at their table, not at their table when I passed, with their families and friends, or I saw them free but I in turn was rushing to film something in a different location. There was no malice intended, the timing just didn’t sync up. ❤️⚡️ Featuring: Austin St. John Walter Jones Steve Cardenas Karim Prince DiFillipo Triplets Blake Foster Michael Maize Patrick David Roger Velasco Ron Rogge Jack Guzman Phillip Jeanmarie Phillip Andrew Jorgito Vargas Jr. Adam Tuominem Azim Rizk Andrew Gray Kelson Henderson Dan Southwor
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