Matt Lauer’s ex-wife Annette Roque was reportedly in ‘hell’ during marriage - Fox News

Thanks for watching my video. If you like my videos, please subscribe to the channel to receive the latest videos Videos can use content-based copyright law contains reasonable use Fair Use (). For any copyright, please send me a message.  Matt Lauer‘s ex-wife, Annette Roque, suffered her own “hell” during her marriage to the former “Today” anchor, according to a report.  The Netherlands model and the one-time NBC star’s relationship faced challenges from the beginning of their 20-year marriage, Us Weekly reported.  “There were cracks in the marriage from very early on,” an insider told the outlet. “Matt has always been a ladies’ man, and there were affairs in the beginning.”  But the source said 52-year-old Roque “chose to believe Matt’s denials,” and stuck by him.  “She stayed for Matt’s career — and, more important, for their kids,” the insider said.  She and the 61-year-old disgraced ex-host are parents to sons Jack, 18, and Thijs, 12, as well as daughter
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