Fluffy-dreaming Pony Girl feat. Buddhist Pinkie Pie [AMV]
[Bilibili repost]
Original MV:
Okay, this is probably my hardest translation project to date, but personally, Buddhism is my favorite of all religions (love its big nihilistic energy) and I know quite a bit about it, and combining it with Chinese culture, Japanese culture, and ponies?? I must translate it!
The song and the PMV contains extensive allusions to Buddhism, Japanese Mahjong, with many direct quotations. I tried to put what I can into the subtitles, with additional annotations put into the pinned comment.
Please enjoy my hard work!
What is Buddhism?
A religion that teaches “The Four Noble Truths“:
Life is suffering, and death is no escape because you are stuck in an endless cycle of reincarnation (“samsara“),
Suffering comes from craving,
Reincarnation and suffering can end by becoming enlightened, which makes you stop craving,
Ending craving can be done by following a set of Buddhist
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Fluffy-dreaming Pony Girl feat. Buddhist Pinkie Pie [AMV]