Ex-MLB Pitcher Trevor Bauer Settles Sexual Assault Lawsuit

Ex-MLB Pitcher Trevor Bauer Settles Sexual Assault Lawsuit Trevor Bauer and his accuser Lyndsey Hill have settled the lawsuit he brought against her for defamation after she alleged he had sexually assaulted her, leading to the former MLB pitcher’s lengthy suspension from the league. Bauer posted a video showing evidence hidden from his legal team during the proceeding, showing Hill plotted to defraud him of millions of dollars. Still, like his settlement with The Athletic, where he won clarifications from the outlet, no money was exchanged. “I’ve paid significantly more in legal fees than Lindsey Hill could ever pay me in her entire life, and I knew that would be the case going in,” Bauer said. “But the lawsuit was never about the money for me.” Subscribe to RT Источник: RT News
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