Festo TechTalk 2023: Ecological Innovations

Every year before the Hannover Messe, we show exclusively in our TechTalk what has been happening in our technology forge! Under the motto “Ecological Innovations“ we will explain to you what is behind our Blue World approach. We will show you products and solutions that significantly reduce energy and resource consumption in production. You will also learn how agriculture can be automated in a sustainable way. And we will show you how we transfer automation technology to biological processes. Therefore, we will present you our BionicCellFactory for the first time – a tool for biological transformation towards a circular economy.  Five experts present their very personal approaches regarding “Ecological Innovations” live during the online event:   • Sustainability at Festo: What is behind the Festo Blue World approach? (Christian Österle, Head of Corporate Communication and Sustainability)  • Absorbing CO2 with algae and Festo technology: We will present our BionicCellFactory for the first time (Dr Elias Knubben, Head of Corporate Research and Innovation)  • Controlled Pneumatics: How we are taking pneumatics and energy efficiency to a whole new level? (Marcus Stemler, Product Manager Controlled Pneumatics) , • From engineering to products and AI to services: How our customers save CO2 and energy with Festo? (Julia Bikidis, Portfolio Manager Climate Protection) • Automation of agriculture: How can farmland be managed much more sustainably - thanks to digitalization? (Christine Marie von der Ohe, Expert Controlled Environmental Agriculture) • Press conference: Exclusively for media representatives.
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