Did Moses Exist? - Acharya S on The Ra-Men Podcast (2014)

Hello everyone! Continuing with the series of past interviews with our solar goddess Acharya S, who deceased 7 years ago, precisely on December 25th of 2015. In the present occasion, she was interviewed by Aron Ra, from The Ra-Men Podcast, in 2014 (November). Acharya S or D. M. Murdock was a comparative mythology and religion scholar who dove into the question of whether big characters of the Abrahamic religions existed, such as Moses and Jesus. In this interview, she talks about Moses! And the approach she used was Astrotheology, which still to this day was not debunked (despite of what some say, without showing any proof). We from Stellar House Publishing hope you enjoy this interview! If you come to enjoy, access our site for more information: Link of the interview on The Ra Men channel:
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