Sino-Japanese War - 1938 | Movietone Moment | 13 October 2023

On this day in 1938, Chinese reinforcements rushed to Watchow and fighting intensified as the Japanese proceeded further inland. Here is a British Movietone report about Japanese troops arriving at Canton. Canton is menaced by a new drive from Japanese troops. In Canton, menaced by a new drive from Japanese troops, women train as soldiers to protect their city while the men defend Hankow. Japanese Capture Wei Sueh - Preceded up the Yangtze by their warships a Japanese landing party attacked a Chinese position with machine gun fire. Some of the Chinese defenders surrender and one of the prisoners receives a slap on the face from a Japanese soldier. Disclaimer: British Movietone is an historical collection. Any views and expressions within either the video or metadata of the collection are reproduced for historical accuracy and do not represent the opinions or editorial policies of the Associated Press. Find out more about AP Archive: You can license this footage for commercial use through AP Archive - the story number is BM34697. #sinojapanese #war #china #japan Twitter: Facebook: Tumblr: ​​ Instagram:
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