Rangers’ 19th Cup (1966)

Hampden Park, Glasgow. Start of the Scottish Cup Final replay match between Rangers and Celtic in Glasgow. GV. Celtic kick off from right to left. In hoop shirts. The ball is kicked up towards Rangers goal. GV. The ball drops and Ritchie punches away. The ball comes back and Ron McKinnon heads away. GV. Rangers attack. The ball goes to Watson. Watson’s shot is blocked and the ball goes behind for a corner. GV. William Henderson takes the corner. Celtic defenders kick ball out. SV. Crowd. GV. Celtic attack on the left. The ball is centred. GV. Players fight for the ball and it’s headed towards goal and runs just past post for a corner. GV. Corner being taken. The ball is headed clear. GV. Celtic come back on the attack. The ball is passed out to the left. GV. Celtic player shoots and Billie Ritchie saves. He kicks up field. GV. Rangers attack. Henderson has the ball. He shoots. The shot is blocked. It goes to another Rangers player who shoots. The ball is put behind for a corner. GV Corner being taken. Ball
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