Nature has rewarded man with an amazing property, giving him the opportunity to express his feelings and thoughts with the help of sounds-words. The connection of the voice, any sound, acoustic vibration with the nerve centers and human health was established in ancient times. Different sounds generate different vibrations, which in turn affect our well-being in different ways.
Any deviation from the balance is stress. A person cannot live without stress. Stress can be useful (sanogenic) and harmful, then it is called “distress“. Distress can lead not only to neurosis, but also to ulcers, hypertension, intestinal disorders, eczema, bronchial asthma. This list could be continued, so great is the impact of acute, momentary and chronic adverse circumstances of life on our health.
This video program is the most desirable universal means of healing, since it does not affect any organ individually, but the entire body. To get a full effect from the video program, it is recommended to listen