Human Capital - Episode 3: Planned Parenthood’s Custom Abortions for Superior Product

Image of Walter Fretz, born prematurely at 19 weeks, from ***************************************** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE #PPSellsBabyParts PLANNED PARENTHOOD ABORTED BABY’S HEART STILL BEATING IN LATE-TERM ORGAN HARVESTING CASE Whistleblower Who Harvested Aborted Baby Parts Inside Planned Parenthood Clinics for StemExpress Describes “Most Difficult Experience I Had There” In Latest Documentary Episode Contact: Peter Robbio, probbio@, LOS ANGELES, Aug. 19--The third episode in a new documentary web series and 7th video on Planned Parenthood’s supply of aborted fetal tissue tells a former procurement technician’s harrowing story of harvesting an intact brain from a late-term male fetus whose heart was still beating after the abortion. The “Human Capital” documentary web series, produced by The Center for Medical Progress, in
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