Nagahama Hikiyama Festival - Shiga - 長浜曳山まつり

#4K #Shiga #長浜曳山まつり It is said that the Nagahama Hikiyama Matsuri (festival) started over 400 years ago in order to celebrate the birth of the son of Hideyoshi Toyotomi a local warlord. Ever since locals in Nagahama city have worked hard to maintained this massive gorgeous Hikiyama floats as a matter of local and national pride. Unlike other floats, Nagahama’s Hikiyama also serves as portable stages for the city famous Kodomo kabuki or children’s kabuki. Like the Japanese traditional Kabuki, Kodomo kabuki only stars young boys from ages five to 12. Here as well, children spend a lot of time mastering kabuki performances, complete with costumes and makeup and often forgo weekends and school holidays.
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