Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is March 31, 1982, and this is my AUDIO LETTER No. 73.

Another simmering crisis is the contrived flap between the United States and Libya. First, on March 3 Libya’s Colonel Qaddafi (Khadafy) drew a line in the dust against the United States. In Tripoli, the Libyan capital, Qaddafi delivered a fiery speech to listeners gathered for a rally. He reminded them of the Nimitz episode last August when two Libyan jets were shot down, and he said, quote: “If America enters the Gulf of Sidra, war in the full sense of the word will begin between us and them--war with planes, navies, missiles, everything.“ Within two weeks the United States promised, in effect, that it will soon walk across Qaddafi’s line in the dust. On March 16 Navy Secretary John Lehman declared that the United States will conduct naval exercises again within the Gulf of Sidra and we will do so within the next six months. My three special topics for this AUDIO LETTER are: Topic #1--THE NEW PHANTOM WAR PLANES OF THE UNITED STATES Topic #2--“PROJECT Z“--THE THREE-PHASE STRATEGY FOR NUCLEAR WAR ONE Topic #3--THE FIRST MILITARY SUCCESS OF THE SPACE SHUTTLE
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