Hello, my friends. This is Dr. Beter in Washington. Today is Sept. 30, 1979, and this is my AUDIO LETTER No. 50.
Last spring, as I revealed in AUDIO LETTERS Nos. 45 and 46, the Russians began seizing control of the United States Government. Key officials from President Jimmy Carter on down have been replaced by doubles, and these doubles are not human beings in spite of their appearance and behavior. They are artificial, robot-like living beings called “Organic Robotoids.“ When I first revealed these things, I braced myself. I knew that many of my listeners would be unable to absorb them; but my reason for doing it was the one I stated then: Without knowing about the robotoids, events would become impossible to understand. Since that time, robotoids in key positions of power have been causing many surprises in the news these days. The strangest surprises of all have been caused by the Jimmy Carter robotoids. In AUDIO LETTER No. 48 two months ago, I detailed the major instability problems the Russians are having with their Carter robotoids. The holographic computer brains of the robotoids include instabilities which were present in the real Carter brain in a way that exaggerates those instabilities. As a result, every so often a Carter robotoid does something so unpredictable that it is dangerous to the Russians. An example was the famous so-called “killer-rabbit incident“ of a few weeks ago. A Carter robotoid told the press in all seriousness that he and his family had been attacked by a swamp rabbit while fishing. Can you imagine?
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