Michael Hardt’s Lecture on “Politics of Multiplicity“

Michael Hardt is an American political philosopher and literary theorist. Hardt is best known for his book Empire, which was co-written with Antonio Negri. It has been praised by Slavoj Žižek as the “Communist Manifesto of the 21st Century. Description: Although the concepts empire and multitude proposed a means to think a politics of multiplicity, they need to be extended and enriched in order to engage the ways that capitalist command, hetero-patriarchal hierarchies, and racial supremacy function together -- and how they are resisted and contested. He hopes to develop a notion of articulation that can address our current situation. What is Phil-Free? Phil-Free is an educational community, established by the voluntary students of the Philosophy Department at Boğaziçi University. It is the 21st century, yet, as young generations, we are trying to make room for discussions of our problems about human rights, freedom, and equality in and outside of school. We see the oppression stored behind the lack of divers
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