Rhino Rescued (1960)

Kariba dam, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). BGV. Kariba Dam on Zambezi river. GV. Lake behind the dam which is filling up. LV. Rhino splashing its way through the water towards camera. LV. Young black man chasing rhino, & LV. GV. Elephant half covered by water. SV. Rhino, after being caught, trying to escape from his captors who are trying to tie her legs together - it is a female rhino. CU. Rupert Fothergill, the leader of the operation “Noah“ - saving the rhino from the dam. SV. African throwing water over the rhino, pan to close up shot of rhino’s head. SV. Ranger Klassens (sp?) filling hypodermic syringe. CU. Two African men. CU. Klassens injecting the rhino. LV. Crowd of Africans carrying a raft which they put down beside the rhino while she is still trying to escape. SC. Several Africans trying to pull the rhino over onto the raft. The rhino rolls over straight onto her feet and the Africans scatter. CU. Fothergill giving instructions to roll the rhino back the other way. LV. Africans push the rhino back onto
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