Mikoto FY vs 23savage NothingToSay - TALON CORE BATTLE FEAT CHINA PROS
Mikoto FY vs 23savage NothingToSay - TALON CORE BATTLE FEAT CHINA PROS
- play Queen Of Pain
- play Naga Siren
Fy - play Doom
- play Pangolier
Rafli “Mikoto“ Rahman (born February 28, 2000) is an Indonesian Dota 2 player who is currently playing for Talon Esports.
On February 25th, 2020, he became the first Indonesian and sixth professional player to reach 10,000 MMR.
Reached 11,000 MMR on January 31st, 2021.
#Dota2Skadi #Dota2 #Gameplay #Queenofpain
#Talon #TalonEsports #734 #734b
#SoarwithTalon #TalonMikoto #dota #RafliFathurRahman
Email dota2eyeskadi@
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Dota2 The most-played game on Steam.
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Mikoto FY vs 23savage NothingToSay - TALON CORE BATTLE FEAT CHINA PROS