Stressball - Dust (1993) [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

Official video for “Dust“ by Stressball. This vid was on YouTube for a while, but it’s disappeared, so here it is again. Stressball was a band that a bunch of my old buds were in: Steve Gaille (RIP), Lennon Laviolette (RIP), Eddie Dupuy, & Joe Fazzio. They practiced next door to my death metal band Apostasy in the infamous Green Warehouse in New Orleans, & we played some killer shows together. We’d hang out in each others’ jam rooms, drinking Newcastle & Chimay, while smoking copious amounts of powerful hydroponic marijuana. Joe & Eddie had been in Crawlspace (w/ Mike Williams of Eyehategod) before Stressball formed. The “Dust“ video appeared on European MTV. The video was filmed at the Green Warehouse by Mike Savoie (ex- Shell Shock bassist). Exhorder, Graveyard Rodeo, Paralysis, & Slugs (pre-Crowbar) also practiced there. Stressball’s room was two doors down from ours. You’ll see Joe playing drums in that room in the video. They shared their rehearsal space w/ Paralysis & The Satanic, which was a band that Joe & Steve from Stressball were in w/ Phil Anselmo. Apostasy played an incredible gig w/ them as well. Steve & Lennon were great friends who I used to hang out with regularly; I miss them dearly. Joe went on to join Superjoint Ritual & Hank III. He now has a drum company, Hendrix Drums, which all of you drummers should check out. Eddie went on to create & run a haunted house: Chamber of Horrors. Stressball: Steve Gaille - Vocals Lennon Laviolette - Guitar Eddie Dupuy - Bass Joe Fazzio - Drums Note: Do you see the wooden column next to Steve in the video at 0:39? That’s where he got the idea for the song “Column“, which also appears on the self-titled record w/ “Dust“ on it. We had to drive up a super-steep (& somewhat dangerous!) ramp to get up to the jam rooms, then navigate around those wooden columns to park. Note #2: When the finalized version of the “Dust“ vid had been created, Steve brought the master copy over to my pad (we lived across the street from each other) & I recorded it onto my own VHS tape & made him a copy as well (he didn’t have a VCR). It was the first time he’d ever seen it. I still have my copy. I may get it digitized someday, as it does not have the “MTV“ logo on the vid. It’s the real deal -- raw. Note #3: You can check out super-rare Stressball material on my channel, plus Crawlspace, Apostasy, & The Satanic using these links: You’ll find plenty more sick goodies (from New Orleans & elsewhere) on my page if you look. Happy digging. Keep it heavy, Jason P. ’22
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