Tricia’s Christmas: Dollar Tree Christmas Scene In Display Box

I loved this new project using Dollar Tree items such as the frames and their new miniature items for Christmas. I’m really proud of how it came out and if I had taken time I know it would have been greater. There is some lost footage I didnt discover till late at night as I put the video together. I hope you will understand how easily I put teh frames together to form the box. This idea of using frames is very familiar and many use it to do many things with them on youtube. I just wanted to do something different like I did with my lighted Halloween Skeleton box. I do hope you enjoy it. EDIT ON THE GLUE TO USE!! i failed to let everyone know due to my lost footage that using E6000 glue would be best. I use glue gun for my video purposes so I can do things quickly. The box has been stable thanks to the foam board piece i used at bottom but glass has come off the frame in a couple spots so i suggest using a super glue or E6000 to make it last and much more sturdy twitter/instagram: @t
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