Mocap With Monty Oum 2010

This is a very raw and mostly unedited collection of footage I recorded on a weekend with Monty in 2010. Ive mentioned before that Katie, my wife at the time, snuck Monty’s number off my phone and secretly setup a trip for me to go visit him for a weekend. He was between projects and the studio was empty. It was unreal on so many levels. Basically showedup, and started working on things right away. Be started off with getting me suited up for motion capture to help him with something he was working on. He had me crash on the Achievement Hunter couch and left be there alone in an empty RT. It really felt like an out of body experience at the time. Next day we continued busting out some action shots. And then later (I do not have it recorded) he used the same workflow to recreate an animation I had been working on in Blender for many months. I wish I had more recorded of this, but I felt like such a weirdo pulling the cam out for what little I did get. Insecurities man. But it was awesome and I’ll never forget what he did for me to kick start my venture into this stuff. This is kinda long and awkward but hopefully you enjoy seeing him in his element. Audio gets a bit wacky as I tried to remove background music and preserve his speak and other sounds.
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