Incredible Packed Abandoned Mountain Side House w/ Forgotten Maverick & Plymouth Cars

This historic old house was built by a civil war veteran who served in a couple large battles in maryland during the American civil war. After the war he built this nice old farmhouse in western Pennsylvania in the late 1860’s too early 1870’s. When the house was built he offered it as a gift too his new bride. The house would stay in there same family for a century until being sold to a relative in the late 1980’s. Sadly the final owners passed away with no kids too pass the house onto so now it has sat forgotten since the late 90’s. Truly a unique place and I would have loved too seen it when it still had the second story porch on the front of the house! It would’ve been a beautiful place back in the day especially before the asphalt shingles was added on the exterior over the wooden siding. Sadly this place appears to be in its final days. Just glad I was able too document it! Thank you for watching! Like & comment and subscribe if you enjoy my videos! Thank you!
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