FAKE Launchpad Making Flim / DIY 64-Step MIDI Sequencer

This is a glorious first film of my personal project! This channel will contain some ideas I can get about MIDI communication in music & software languages, AND ALSO my original MUSIC if available enough. If you just simply do subscribed, share n’ like, more videos will come up which contains this much contents worth watching as soon as possible. At this time I just made my own midi controller, as known as step sequencer. And i just named on it, Sonniboy_mk2 (there was prototype mk1, but it broke soon, I’m gonna talk about it if there is a chance). It is based on arduino, specifically teensy 2.0 board. Its own library helps a lot in usb-midi communication better than that of din-5 cable. Display flowing has refered from Ableton Push and it can control 2 channels, 16 notes each, looping 64-step unit beats. One brilliant difference between existing other diy midi instruments is a function in midi clock which controls speed of song playing and stop on DAWs or electronic instruments. Sonniboy_mk2 recieves those
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