20230910 anti-racism event/Alas rioikeistohallitus-1: speeches/puheet, Lounaispuisto/Jkl/Finland

More info / lisää infoa: , Photos / valokuvat: @N07/albums/72177720311112789 00:00:00 my arriving at the event; protest signs etc. 00:08:30 event starts 00:10:50 Paul Abbey 00:19:17 Maria 00:23:55 Irma Hirsjärvi & Maryam Mousapour 00:35:19 Riikka Kaikkonen 00:43:45 Sanna Ryynänen 00:54:54 protest signs (several have been added in the meantime!) 00:58:30 Lounaispuisto itself - while waiting for the sound check to be finished, I took a walk in the Park and videoed the statues and the snack bar. This section has NOTHING to do with the event, except for the very last part and the still-audible sound check!
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