I’ll be posting new beats 3x a week!
MP3 $25 (USD)
WAV: $45 (USD)
Stems: $95 (USD)
Exclusive: Offer only ($100 USD minimum)
If prices are out of your range please still hit me up and we could work something out.
Must purchase beat to use for profit.
to purchase the beat for commercial use: contact me at one of my socials or my email (My social media is below).
Key: F# Major
BPM: 126
FREE Wav and MP3: Contact me on one of my socials or my email.
Must give credit to Prod. FOUREYEZ
Free for non-profit use.
Other Socials
🎧🌟 Beat Stars:
🎶⏰@whoisfoureyez on tiktok
... on instagram
💻📬 whoisfoureyez@
🎵☁️ Soundcloud:
Beats Nuevas x3 por semana
MP3 $25 (USD)
WAV: $45 (USD)
Stems: $95 (USD)Show more