Abyssinian Activities (1935)

Full title reads: “ABYSSINIAN ACTIVITIES - Emperor supervises Army preparations.“ Abyssinia (Ethiopia). Emperor of Abyssinia Haile Selassie leaving his palace in a car to supervise the Army preparations for the war with Italy - Emperor has assumed the role of War Minister. Lines of troops on field ready for inspections. Troops presenting arms. Flag is raised. Close up shot of the solders saluting. Close up shot of the flag flying. White officers (Europeans) are seen inspecting troops. Several shots of the army exercise in countryside - armed solders are seen running through the fields, lying in cover, shooting, crawling etc. Crowded train station in Addis Ababa. Men are returning home after the short military training - says voice-over. Mules are also being transported. Several shots of men entering train and milling around - trains seem to be packed with people. Several nice close up shots of men at the station. More shots of the men pushing to get into the train. Train leaves the station. FILM ID
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