Dedicated to Maite Rubio,
I’m very pleased to introduce my version of ’Terruño’, a piece composed by the guitarist and composer Quique Sinesi. It expresses the sensation of awareness and love for the own land, the earth.
Sinesi was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1960. He is considered one of the most important guitarists in his country due to his diferent and personal style that stands out from the rest of classical guitarists. He combines elements from folk music, tango and jazz.
Thanks for watching and I encourage you to subscribe to my channel if you like the content!
Dedicat a la Maite Rubio,
Em fa molta il·lusió presentar-vos la meva versió de ’Terruño’, una peça composta pel guitarrista i compositor Quique Sinesi. Expressa la sensació de consciència i amor per a la terra pròpia.
Sinesi va néixer a Buenos Aires, Argentina, l’any 1960. És considerat un
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