TSOL - Abolish Government (Music Video)

TSOL - Abolish Government (Music Video) On February 1st, 1983 I was at this particular show filmed at Orange Coast College. The college was hosting a series of “Tuesday Noon Concerts“ in the outdoor Quad area on campus and they hired TSOL to come and perform. Before the band started, there were concerned school administrators and they told the band to “keep it tame“... No profanity, rude gestures or inciting the crowd... Of course there were punks that showed up for the free show and they started slam dancing. It was tame by the standards of a normal punk show, but of course the school paper jumped on the media bandwagon with all the local news at the time, sensationalizing the “violence“ aspect and claimed there was a “Riot“... There was no riot, only a handful of kids slamming in front of the stage. I kept the clipping from the school paper, still have photos of the show and have one of the few original posters that were found on some of the college walls the
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