Nariyama Shihan seminar early 90s

Early 1990s seminar with Shodokan Aikido’s Nariyama Shihan. Seiko Endo san, Phil Newcombe & Jon Cameron as uke. 0:00:00 Kihon Kozo & applications 0:09:12 Tegatana dosa & applications 0:18:26 Kihon Atemi waza 0:21:30 Atemi waza from cross & straight grips 0:24:57 Demonstration of 7 Kaeshi waza using tanto hand 0:27:17 Demonstration of 7 Kaeshi waza using free hand 0:29:12 Nariyama shihan teaches Kaeshi waza 0:36:32 Demonstration of Aigamae-ate (Irimi nage) from various strikes 0:37:04 Demonstration of defence against 2 katate ryoti dori attacks
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