Baelish - Varys “Chaos isn’t a pit, chaos is a ladder.“

Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones 3x06 - The Climb, Game of Thrones Littlefinger Baelish (Aidan Gillen) Lord Varys (Conleth Hill) 1,000 blades taken from the hands of Aegon’s fallen enemies, forged in the fiery breath of Balerion the Dread. There aren’t 1,000 blades. There aren’t even 200. I’ve counted. Ha, I’m sure you have. Ugly old thing. Yet it has a certain appeal. The Lysa Arryn of chairs. Shame you had to settle for your second choice. Early days, my friend. It is flattering, really you feeling such dread at the prospect of me getting what I want. Thwarting you has never been my primary ambition, I promise you. Although who doesn’t like to see their friends fail now and then? You’re so right. For instance, when I thwarted your plan to give Sansa Stark to the Tyrells. If I’m going to be honest, I did feel an unmistakable sense of enjoyment there. But your confidant, the one who fed you information about my plans, the one you swore to protect you didn’t bring h
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