👮‍♂️LUCIUS D. CLAY HEADQUARTERS. BERLIN. GERMANY. Штаб-квартира армии США в Берлине. Германия.

Штаб-квартира была построена для ВВС Германии в 1936-38 годах. Первоначально это был штаб семи окружных штабов люфтваффе, Luftgaukommando III, подчиняющийся непосредственно министру авиации (Герингу). Штаб-квартира США была названа в честь динамичного и широко уважаемого послевоенного генерала Люциуса Д. Клея The U. S. Headquarters compound was named in honor of the dynamic and widely respected postwar military goyernor, General Lucius D. Clay who helped to direct the rebuilding of the city and who served during the crisis of the Berlin Blockade and Airlift (1948-49). The Clay Headquarters compound was built for the German Air Force in the years 1936-38. Originally it was pne of seven Luftwaffe district headquarters, Luftgaukommando III, reporting directly to the Air Minister (Goering). In 1943, the seven air-defense districts on German soil were Consolidated into one Luftgaukommando-Mitte, headquartered on the same site. The new command was responsible for the air defense of the German homeland, including control of air defense artillery. Contrary to persistent belief, it was never Marshall Goering’s headquarters.
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