A slick and smooth Wolfenstein engine for the ATM Turbo 2 . You can control with keyboard or mouse. It was made by Alone Coder in 2020 and program and source code can be downloaded here: ATM was developed in 1991 based on the Pentagon, a ZX Spectrum clone popular in Russia. In 1992 an upgraded model was introduced, named ATM Turbo 2. Up to 1994 the computer was produced by ATM and MicroArt; later the firms separated and production ended. In 2004 NedoPC from Moscow resumed production and a new version called ATM Turbo 2 were introduced. ATM offers enhanced characteristics, compared to the o...riginal Spectrum, such as a Z80 at 7 MHz, 1024 kB RAM, 128 kB ROM, AY-8910 (two chips in upgraded models), 8-bit DAC, 8-bit 8-channel ADC, RS-232, parallel port, Beta Disk Interface, IDE interface, AT/XT keyboard, text mode (80x25, 16 colours, 8x8 pattern), and three new graphics modes. GRAPHICS MODES: For compatibility purposes, the original 256 x 192 ZX Spectrum mode is available
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