Most Powerful Words Ever Heard In The History Of The World!!

Most Powerful Words Ever Heard In The History Of The World!! It’s my pleasure and great honour, to share these words of Sananda with humanity and beyond, which I consider to be the most powerful words ever heard in the history of the world... without exaggeration... listen to this, in it’s entirety, and see if you agree.  Pleiadian Commander Hatonn has said this petition has defeated the Satanian empire...  It is said that these words have the effect to help all beings in the cosmos and even those stuck in the astral realm.  For greatest effect, say them... but I’m pretty sure listening and resonating is very helpful too... do this over and over for greatest effect.  We’re doing it dear ones... we’re cleansing this realm of all discordant energy, reprogramming it, and creating miracles.   hatonn creator god aton “that petition“&atb=v314-1&ia=web Recited by Indian in the machine “That Petition“ by Sananda, channeled by Anne Bellringer Music - Free copyright music Dreamer by Hazy Music provided by Indian in the machine World Teacher & Friends Your financial support, supports all my lightwork, music, writings, equipment, music production, travel, projects, and anything else relating to this incredible mission Paypal Fundrazr Indian’s Spirit shop New music: Sananda’s Flock – Ambient Christ Mix (Spoken Word, Prophecies, Channelings, Prayer) 
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