Review: Retrofire Claw BattleZord (Power Rangers Super Samurai)

RRR Post: Blog Post: --- The Retrofire line keeps chugging along, even with very few releases and the name of the line completely gone. Our next (final?) release of the Retrofire series is the Claw BattleZord, the robot formation of the ClawZord from Power Rangers (Super) Samurai. While it would have been a neat feature to include multiple heads, the figure comes packed with only the East Mode available. The figure is available for $ at Toys R Us. I’ll start by saying the toy is painted really well for a Bandai of America figure. The cold use has a nice shine to it, the chest is painted well, and the head sculpt, while stylized, is done very well. The back leg piece (that makes the horns too) is a bit odd, and the horns don’t really sit well with the head, creating a very odd look. As with most Retrofires (’cept you Jungle Pride, keep on keepin’ on!) the problem with the toy is articulation. While it does
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