FDR goes to Africa for the Casablanca conference (1943)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The Casablanca conference, President Roosevelt observes US Troops, eats real army rations, meets with Winston Churchill Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: United Nations - The Casablanca Conference AFRICA: Morocco: Casablanca: EXT/INT Meeting of Churchill & Roosevelt at CASABLANCA.. shots in conference Conference on lawn w. Churchill, Roosevelt, de Gaulle, Gen. Giraud.. addressed by C. & posted on of villa..& various eats in field w. army Louis visits Casablanca Harbour.. Wren’s ’S officers work on ship. ALEXANDER, General & Air Marshal Tedder visit Communications ship at CASABLANCA AMERICAN MILITARY. Pres:Roosevelt visits army in in field
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