Delouvrier Instructions: How to use the Delouvrier EP

Delouvrier Instructions: How to use the Delouvrier Mini-Album Step 1: Prepare the space Before you enjoy the sonic chaos that this mini-album is, get ready. Feel comfortable or uncomfortable, depending on how you overcome the turbulent waves of sound. This is not the meatloaf of your past; it is raw, unforgiving, seasoned with the sweat of longing. Clean your room. Clear your mind. Get ready to listen. Step 2: Assemble your set of tools for Radical Meditation You will need a device capable of playing sound – a stereo system, a phone, a turntable. Select your device and turn off all notifications. Use headphones as clips, pressing sound directly into the skull, or perceive it through speakers that could wake the dead. Step 3: Press the power button as if you are launching Doomsday Click play. Do it with conviction, with the force of a hammer crashing down on the fragile skull of silence. The volume should be enough to drown out the screams of your dying gut. If your heart does not
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