Polypterus ansorgii. The mighty GUINEAN Bichir! (Leopard Aquatic D017A)
Polypterus ansorgii is also called the Guinean bichir. It is one of the most beautiful among all Polypterus family. It has dark marking with marbled pattern on the body. Polypterus itself is considered one of the jurassic fish that still survive until today.
Habitat: It inhabits river streams and lake ranging from Guinea-Bissau to Nigeria.
Water parameter:
TDS: 150-250 ppm
Temperature: 24-26°C
Max length: 90 cm
Usual size on trade: 5 cm and 8cm
Characteristic: The Polypterus ansorgii is a nocturnal species that need a lot of floor space for swimming. It is safe to keep at planted tank but not necessarily need plants. Ansorgii can grow up to gigantic size, it is actually one of the biggest polypterus species. It is important to have tank cover since Polypterus is an excellent jumper.
Diet: Live tubifex is its favorite food. While high-grade sinking pellets also acceptable when it is adapted well.
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1 view
8 months ago 00:03:36 1
Polypterus bichir bichir .Polypterus ansorgii
9 months ago 00:00:58 1
Polypterus ansorgii. The mighty GUINEAN Bichir! (Leopard Aquatic D017A)