Choreography: Balanchine vs Nureyev vs X (guess!) - Tchaikovsky Suite no. 3
Three choreographers using the same score - the Polonaise from Tchaikovsky’s Suite no. 3 for Orchestra in G major, op. 55. Balanchine used it in Theme and Variations, Nureyev in The Tempest, and Mr. X used it in Y ballet. Balanchine was the first. Nureyev said in an interview he didn’t want at first to touch the polonaise because Mr. B had used it in T&V, but changed his mind later and set about to do something ’bigger and better’ than Balanchine. Mr. X was the last, and who is he? Guess.
#1 Balanchine ’Theme and variations’, ABT 1978, Baryshnikov/Kirkland
#2 Nureyev ’The Tempest’, POB 1984, Nureyev/Olivieri/Vu An/Stephant
#3 Guess ;)
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