ALBERT HERRING Britten – Opera North

The village of Loxford is looking for its May Queen (the personification of spring time innocence) but all candidates are deemed morally unsuitable. Desperate, the locals decide a May King will have to do instead. They choose the blameless Albert Herring from the local fruit and vegetable shop. He isn’t keen but, stuck firmly under his mother’s thumb, he’ll do what he is told. However, after one rum-laced lemonade at the May Day ceremony, Albert disappears… and even greater chaos ensues. The opera’s librettist Eric Crozier took a story by Maupassant and transformed it into a quintessentially English comedy. Britten’s music characterises the inhabitants with a biting satirical wit – but there’s a touch of affection, too, for a vanished way of life. Opera North’s delightful production is staged in the intimacy of the Howard Assembly Room, the perfect environment for Giles Havergal’s staging which set the action in opera’s own period, mid-twentieth century complete with woollen pullovers and gingham blous
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