Synoid (1983)

Pure video feedback with no special effects or processing of any kind, although the completed video has a few edits. The patterns were changed by slightly adjusting the camera aperture and focus. The audio was created with various analog synthesizers configured to produce oscillating sequences and were not modified or altered during recording. Both video and audio were created at The School Of The Art Institute Of Chicago and are examples of self-generating systems. This work explores the nature of the media* and allows me to become audience to my own work. *The organic nature of the medium. New digitally remastered audio. A bit of history: I began experimenting with video feedback in high school using black and white 1/2-inch reel-to-reel equipment in 1973, then began creating serious art works in college. By 1979 I had configured a way to apply Eno’s audio loop system, diagrammed on the back cover of the album “Discreet Music“ (1975), to video which wa
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