Xavier Sabata (countertenor) - I burn, my brain consumes to ashes (John Eccles)

Xavier Sabata & Ensemble Pulcinella - live recording from “Mad Songs“ concert in Barcelona, 2017. Cats from cat-cafe “Kotoburo“\Котики из котокафе “Котобюро“ (Москва) - I burn, my brain consumes to ashes! Each eye-ball too like lightning flashes! Within my breast there glows a solid fire, Which in a thousand ages can’t expire! Blow, blow, the winds’ great ruler! Bring the Po, and the Ganges hither, ’Tis sultry weather; Pour them all on my soul, It will hiss like a coal, But never be the cooler. ’Twas pride hot as hell, That first made me rebell, From love’s awful throne a curst angel I fell And now mourn the fate, Which myself did create: Fool, fool, that consider’d not when I was well! Adieu! transporting joys! Off, ye vain fantastic toys That dress this face - this body - to allure! Bring me daggers, poison,
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