CASTGAWD - “RepTRILLian“ feat. JakProgresso prod. Stu Bangas (Visual)
CastGawd x JakProgresso x Stu Bangas = 🔥🔥🔥
Thus far the project “CASTGAWD KILL EM ALL“ is doing fairly well without any promotional follow thru as of yet which I will as per usual be doing myself it seems and although my YouTube account aint to massive I figured I’d hit yall inna dome witta visual for this amazing happy it turned out so well and it’s one of my favorites from the project azza whole.
Grab you a digital copy at:
Stream or purchase anywhere else you may frequent & utilize regularly.
Vinyls, Tapes, CDs coming soon and CASTGAWD©️ Hoodies on deck.
Tap in @castgawd IG
and @JakProgresso IG
#RepTRILLian #CastGawd #stubangas #JakProgresso #jaktripper #fataldoserecords #goonmusick ?
#undergroundhiphop #boombap #independenthiphop #darkhiphop #outcastgawdlordel #castgawd #oglordel #lordlemonsta #realhiphop