Yemeni drones target King Khalid base in Saudi Arabia

Yemeni drones target King Khalid base in Saudi Arabia. The spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces announced on Sunday morning that a Yemeni drone targeted the King Khalid airbase in the southern Saudi province of Asir. Yemeni forces targeted King Khalid Air Base with an indigenous Qasef-2K drone, Yahya al-Saree said. The spokesman for the Yemeni armed forces said that the operation was carried out carefully, adding that the attack was a legal response to the escalation of the aggression and siege of Yemen by the Saudi coalition. Jizan and Abha airports, as well as King Khalid Air Base in southern Saudi Arabia, have been repeatedly targeted in recent months by drone and missile units of the Yemeni army and popular committees. The two airports, as well as King Khalid Air Base, are used to refuel and support fighter jets used in Saudi coalition airstrikes in Yemen. Saudi Arabia, with the support of the United States, the UAE, and several other countries, has launched a military invasion of Yemen since March 2015.
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