Universal Haul 2021 | The Wizarding World of Harry Potter | Universal Studios Orlando
Now that vacation is over, I finally get to share with you my HUGE Universal Studios Haul! We brought home so many incredible Harry Potter items, and I am so excited to finally get everything out of the bags and onto my shelves! I hope you enjoy all of the merchandise we purchased, and make sure to let me know what you think I should pick up on my next trip!
0:00 Intro
1:00 Wands
4:44 Wearable Items
7:54 Creepy Little Skulls
9:20 Pins
14:59 Stationary
17:01 Miniature Replicas
21:00 Candy
27:18 Broomstick Replicas
Social Media:
TikTok: @amagicalali
Wizarding Trunk Rep Code: MagicalAli
Use this code for 10% off your first subscription box, and also single purchases!
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