Rural Russia reacts to war, presidential election

Original video - Today we have published a report from Malaya Vishera. This is a small town between Moscow and St. Petersburg in the Novgorod region. Less than 10,000 people live there, half of them pensioners. We wondered whether the attitude toward Putin in the Russian countryside has changed after two years of war, especially after “cargo 200“ began arriving in many towns and villages across the country. On voting days, we talked to locals about their choice and the future of the country. One of the heroines of the report is Svetlana, her son was mobilized and died in the war in Ukraine. The woman handed her son’s summons with her own hands, being sure that he would not be taken away. Svetlana feels the loss of her child hard and dreams that peace will come as soon as possible. That is why she voted for ... Putin in the Russian presidential election. And here, an elderly woman complains about her small pension. To survive, she has to sell the twists she makes herself. She, too, supports Putin. “In a clear field today “Grad“ - behind us Putin and Stalingrad. That’s the motto everyone should have!“ - she says. A technical school student, a future nurse, complains to our correspondent that there is no development in Malaya Vishera. After studying, she plans to move to the big city. This is what almost all young people do in the settlement. This was the first presidential election in her life. She cast her vote for Putin. We wondered why, even though they realize that they live badly, people still support the current government. Why do those who are waiting for change and peace vote for Putin? Watch our report and try to figure it out with us, and be sure to share your opinion in the comments. #ruralrussians #survey #voting
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