Shell Motor Spirit (1925)

Animation. No title. First intertitle reads: “A spin and a spoon by the light of the moon.“ Man and a woman in an open topped car drive through the countryside. They kiss while he drives. “The happy pair - the harassed hare.“ A frightened hare runs along in front of the car. The car has its headlights shining. Another car approaches the camera, it stops and a fierce looking man stands up. It is, “Her father, Baron Flint-de-Flint.“ C/U of the Baron looking through a telescope and looking mean. He rolls his eye. Point of view shot through the telescope of what he sees. The man kissing his daughter. The Baron lowers his telescope and looks very, very annoyed. He drives after them. “Loves young dream becomes a nightmare.“ (Possibly a shot missing here.) “On every rise, “Every Drop Tells.“ The Baron rant and raves and points a gun at the young suitor. He puts his hands up. The Baron grabs his daughter by the scruff of the neck and dumps her into his car. He drives off towards the fa
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