Surbiton, Surrey.
M/S North American Mississippi alligator on a weighing scale, Captain J. Edwards measures it. L/S Capt. Edwards sat at table, he writes on pad. L/S small fish in tank. L/S Capt. Edwards holding alligator and picking up a giant Tugu lizard. M/S lizard and skin on table, he measures them, C/U his face, M/S as he looks at lizard. C/U lizard on a book, L/S as he pulls skin off lizard. C/U he rubs his face against the lizard’s. M/S tropical fish tank. M/S he polishes a terrapin’s shell, M/S he puts powder on it and turns it over to polish underneath. M/S terrapin closing
... its shell as he sticks his finger in. M/S tape recorder, L/S Capt. Edwards holding a leather backed toad, M/S he holds it up to microphone.
M/S he straps an alligator into back of car, L/S Capt. Edwards putting snake in box, various shots as he takes snakes and lizards out of his pockets and puts them in box on back of car, he shuts the lid. L/S as he pulls out of drive, C/U his face, he looks in the back. C/U oShow more