Modal Interchange | Borrowed Chords

Donate a coffee: A great way to add some spicy-ness to your chord progression is through the use of modal interchange/modal mixture/borrowed chords. So what are they? I recently saw a great video by Adam Manness of Open Studio who had a really cool angle for implementing some modal interchange. I talk a bit about it in this video. Check out Open Studio, those guys really know their stuff. Particularly if you’re a keen jazz pianist. Here’s the video from Adam Manness I was referencing: @OpenStudioJazz Thanks for being here. I hope you manage to get something from these videos. Don’t be a stranger, come and say hi! MK Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:40 INTERLUDE 1 00:50 What is Modal Interchange? 05:18 INTERLUDE 2 05:32 Implementing modal interchange technique 1 07:55 Implementing modal interchange technique 2 13:3
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