Rest Home For Horses (1955)

Home of Rest for Horses, Borehamwood (Boreham Wood), Hertfordshire. Film begins with shots of holidaymakers on the beach - including people asleep in deck chairs. Narrator states that not only people need holidays, so do animals. “The working horse, for example, dependable and willing, he needs a change too from the strains, noise, and bustle of City streets.“ L/S of a group of horses running around in a field. Various shots of the horses exercising and eating. The narrator observes that although the working horse is no longer a part of our everyday life but “even in the machine age, it can never completely die out.“ Machines can’t replace the friendship and companionship that exist between a horse and its master. Various shots of horses being led through the grounds of the rest home. C/Us of horses and L/Ss. Secretary of the home Brigadier Kelly - who is himself a Veterinary Surgeon examines a horse’s teeth. Various shots of a horse’s hooves being checked. The home is also a hospital fo
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