Gabriela Pomplova performing at Birmingham Yoga Shala, First Avenue Rocks, Alabama; coming into halasana (plow pose), then into straddle plow, and if you wish to roll over your shoulders into prasarita padottanasana (standing straddle forward fold), and back on your back for supine Urdhva Mukha pashimottanasana (upward facing forward fold), followed by Karnapidasana (knees to ear pose), preparing your tripod shoulderstand base where you walk your shoulders toward the spine, pressing the top of them into the
1 year ago 00:02:14 1
Нираламба Сарвангасана на стуле
2 years ago 00:15:32 1
Цикл Сарвангасаны (Комплекс асан йоги для начинающих)
7 years ago 00:02:09 1
Випаритакарани мудра. Сарвангасана. Стойка на плечах.
8 years ago 00:04:13 81
Саламба Сарвангасана у стены,Нираламба Сарвангасана