1917 Eisteddfod (1917)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Prime Minister Lloyd George attends the 1917 Eisteddfod in Birkenhead Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: The Premier at the Eisteddfod ENGLAND: Merseyside: Berkinhead: EXT Title: Mr. Lloyd George made a great speech on the unity of the nation. (8ft) GV. Women munition workers walking in procession through street. (2 shots) (21ft) GV. pan Women workers lining street. (27ft) LV. and SV. Mr. Lloyd Goerge with official walking along centre of road in front of car, acknowledges cheers of women workers. (57ft) Birkenhea...d Mrs. Lloyd George Personalities - Politicians, Great Britain, Customs politician, parade, parades, festival, festivals, celebration, celebrations Background: Prime Minister Lloyd George attends the 1917 Eisteddfod in Birkenhead FILM ID: VLVAVKFPAG17U54MR862XVYFCNTI To license this film, visit
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