客家拳刘家教-十字双刀Hakka Kuen Double Broadswords

Hakka here refers to another Ethnic Group which lives today in Southern China. They are said to have come from Henan Province and Shaanxi Province a little bit more than 2000 years ago. That would make them Han people by origin. When we speak of Hakka people, many may think of Naam Tong Long Pai(Southern Praying Mantis) and Arts like Wing Chun. But not so many know of arts like Hakka Kuen. I am myself still discouvering the rich content even Soutern Martial Arts hold. The Hakka Style seems to be influenced by many very old Martial Arts, like Chuo Jiao Fanzi Quan(Feet Poking Tumbling Boxing), Yue Jia Quan(Yue Family Boxing). Also through Southern Shaolin Martial Arts through Master Chi Sim Si. Which is very interesting to me, as he is said to be the ancestor of my primary style. Its said that The style uses Fengyan quan ( Phoenix eye fist - a type of knuckle punch), Jianzhan (sword palm), and Jianzhi (arrow fingers) as main techniques. As far as my limited understanding goes its often hard to distinguish Hakka Fist, as it seems there are different kinds of Hakka Fist in different parts of Southern China. But all refer more or less to the same system known as Hakka Fist,but with a varying content.
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